Comprehensive guide to flashcard actions
A deeper dive into all the actions you can make with your flashcards, ranging from renaming to editing to burying them right in the middle of a study session.
Voovo offers a myriad of functions and features to enhance your flashcard experience. You can do a wide range of actions with your flashcards, all individually tailored to suit a student's learning needs -- ranging from the ability to bury a card while in the middle of a study session to card duplication in seconds. Here, we will dive into each flashcard action!

Bury card
The card will be hidden from your flashcard deck and won’t appear in future study sessions! This is good for when you are completely sure you’ve memorized the selected flashcard and would like to spend more time on cards that you might not know as well, but you also would not like to delete the card. This function allows you to make your study sessions more effective by temporarily hiding less crucial flashcards so that your study session will be more focused and efficient.
Delete card
At any point, you can choose to permanently delete a flashcard from your deck!
Edit card
Whether it's refining definitions, adding supplemental information, or correcting errors, the editing feature enables you to fine-tune your flashcards to perfection.
Rename card
The name of a card is a shortened version of the flashcard that appears in the overview of your flashcard deck/folder! This lets you quickly scroll through all your flashcards and find a specific one you would like to study, it can also allow you to browse all your flashcards in a deck to trigger your memory before an exam. You can change the name by tapping on “rename card”.

Duplicate card
With a single tap, you can make an identical copy of a flashcard! This is useful if you would like to add a second version of a single flashcard to another deck, such as in case of overlappig topics.
Duplicate by reversing
This action is the same as above, but the question and answer sides of the card will be reversed. This is great for language learning cards!
Select multiple flashcards to do an overall action with.