Folder and Deck // what is the difference?
Voovo uses a hierarchical system to organize flashcards, acknowledging that complex subjects often have multiple categories and subcategories. This system consists of flashcards, decks, and folders… which can be a bit confusing! Here we will explain the difference between a deck and a folder in detail.
Folders and decks... this can be confusing!
Voovo follows a hierarchy system to help you organise your flashcards. We recognise that a single subject might have many categories, subcategories, sub-subcategories and so on! For example, cardiology has heart failure which has right heart failure, which has epidemiology and so on. This is why we created a system in which you can create flashcards that belong in a deck which can belong in a folder that can belong in a bigger folder and so on.
- Folder: Consists of decks of flashcards, individual flashcards, or other smaller folders.
- Deck: Consists of flashcards.