Study Session Algorithm
A deeper dive into the algorithm behind Voovo's spaced repetition study sessions!
Anki uses a spaced repetition algorithm that has shown to be a long standing, efficient, and trustworthy one -- the Anki-Dolphin algorithm.
This is the same algorithm utilized by Voovo! At its core, the Anki-Dolphin algorithm is based on the concept of spaced repetition. An image from Osmosis (a well known video platform for medical students) perfectly describes the forgetting curve that occurs when a student learns a piece of information, and how actively recalling the information at strategically spaced time intervals help in putting the information into long term memory. The strategically timed repetition of individual flashcards is the core of what the Anki-Dolphin algorithm does.

How does the Anki-Dolphin algorithm time the appearance of individual flashcards?
It takes into account various factors, such as the:
- The difficulty of each flashcards -- this is based on how to user rates (on a scale of 1-4) their knowledge of the card.
- The previous learning history of the flashcard
- The overall progression of the learning curve above.
Based on the results of the analysis, it will dynamically adjust the interval between individual flashcard review sessions.
Dolphin Spaced Repetition in JavaScript implement the following Anki modifications to the SM2 algorithm:
- An initial mode for learning new cards
- a mode for relearning cards after forgetting them
- reducing the number of self assigned ratings from 6 to 4
- factoring lateness into card scheduling
- Anki's default configuration options
How DophinSR deviates from Anki's algorithm
While it is very similar to anki's algorithm, it does deviate in a few ways...
- Improved support for adding reviews out of order (for example, due to network latency)
- Very different internal data structures (Dophin SR i slargely written in a functional style to make testing and debuggin easier. So it does not rely on storing computed data or ay SQL database)
What is the end result?
Retention of information is maximized and study time is minimized! As you spend time on each flashcard and rate your knowledge as you study, the algorithm will continuously recalibrate the review schedule! It adapts to YOU. We hope that you enjoy using Voovo as much as we enjoyed creating it for you.