Start a study session on every level of the file system!
You can start a study session on any level of your file system — from lowest to highest: flashcards, decks, smaller folders, and folders within larger folders (a potentially endless organizational system).
To organize all your flashcards, Voovo works based off of a hierarchy system. With this, you can categorize your cards into topics, chapters, and subjects. The hierarchy goes as follows, from lowest to highest: flashcards, decks, and folders… and folders of folders, and so on. 🤓 As you can see, this is endless. This hierarchy system sets Voovo apart from other app. Folders within folders allow for the organization of extensive subjects like anatomy or physiology that cover vast amounts of information. You can modified your folders and deck system to match the depth and breadth of any school subject 🎉📚

You can choose any level of the hierarchy to start a study session on!
In the example below, you can see the main folder Cardiology can contain many sub folders of subtopics like congenital heart defect which can contain many decks in itself. - folder:
- Folder: Cardiology
- Folder: Congenital heart defects
- Deck: Cyanotic heart disease
- Flashcards : truncus arterioles, transposition, etc

Based off of the above system, you can choose to start a study session on any level . You can focus on cyanotic heart disease or go up in the hierarchy system and do congenital heart defects in general. You can also study cardiology as a general topic. This is great for when you are preparing for a big cardiology exam, and you do study sessions while going further up in the hierarchy the closer you get to the exam!
Happy studying everyone!