Memorization is something that plays a key role in the life of a student. It is not only crucial for your academic success but also for future career achievements and success in life! In this blog post, we'll explore various techniques and strategies to enhance your memory, helping you become the best version of yourself. 📚 We will first dive into some common myths that you might believe in about memory, why memory is so important for students, and then 5 scientifically proven ways to improve your memory! 😍
Some Common Myths about Memory 🤔
- “I naturally am bad at memorizing” : This is very false, because you cannot be naturally bad at memorizing things! We all have the ability to excel in our studies and memorize big amounts of information, we just have to learn how to best use our memorization skills. We have to optimize the way we use our brain to form new neuronal connections when studying something new, once we master this... we master the art of memorization.
- The best way to study and memorize is to reading notes over and over again: This is actually an extremely inefficient way to study if done alone, because it is very passive. Your brain needs active learning to be able to study and store information in its long term memory! The best way to study is to use a variety of optimized techniques.
- Forgetting is a sign that you have bad memory: The process of forgetting is something that plays a crucial role in long-term retention. When you find yourself struggling to to recall some information and then put in the effort to remember it, your brain actually strengthens its newly formed neural connections, ensuring that the information is permanently stored in the long run... which is highly beneficial for studying for big exams like semifinals or finals. 🧠
Why Memory Improvement Matters for Students
Midterms, exams, board exams all require one thing: memory. Memory isn’t just the ability to recall information, but it is the foundation upon which academic success, understanding of the world, and personal development is built. 🚀
A sharp memory is crucial to help you easier retain and recall the huge amounts of information that come during your studies — from vocabulary in language class to the individual blood supplies of various body organs to new techniques in photography. Without a strong memory, your education journey can become much more difficult than it has to be. Studying should not be so hard that it takes away from your hobbies, personali life, and well being! This is why if you master the art of memorization... all facets of your life will be improved.
Now, we will dive into the methods in which you can improve your memorization skills so that you can adopt effective strategies that will not only help you excel in your studies but also beyond! 😍
5 Scientifically Backed Ways to Improve your Memory

Visualization 🤓
The act of visualization is something that helps you remember a piece of information better because it activates the brain's visual processing areas! This activation results in the establishment of stronger neuronal connections which helps you faster retrieve information! This technique entails forming mental pictures or scenarios to represent the information you need to remember, below we will discuss some ways you can use this technique. Of course, if you have another way that works for you... go for it!
Some techniques with which you can use visualization:
- If you are a picture oriented person in general, you can try to convert the information you’re learning into mental visual images! Basically, when you study you can visualize each item in a vivid way. One way is to create a "Cartoon image" in which each item represents a piece of information in a topic -- this is called a picture mnemonic! So when you are having your exam, all you have to do is to recall the cartoon image and all the information should come to you!
- You can also create a memory palace, which is a mental visualization technique in which you associate information with specific locations in a familiar place like your home, the Hogwarts library, anywhere. While you are studying, imagine you’re walking through the place and putting different pieces of information in different areas! This way, when you are trying to recall a topic... you just have to do a mental walkthrough of the location.
- If you are a more text oriented person, you can also try making mind maps from what you’re studying. With mind maps, you should start with a central idea (the topic that you’re studying) and branch out from it with related topics, then related pieces of information! This technique not only helps you memorize the information, but helps you organize it in the meantime.

Spaced Repetition 📚
Spaced repetition is a highly effective, scientifically proven study method created by a psychologist named Herman Ebbinghaus in the 19th century. It was created with the aim to help you study efficiently, and effortlessly in a much shorter amount of time by leveraging your brain’s natural cognitive learning processes.💃. The core principle: reviewing information in short bursts at strategically increasing time intervals over time, which ensures that the information is stored in your long term memory!
This study method combats the forgetting curve by forcing you to recall information just as it’s about to be forgotten, making your brain solidify the memory.
How to use spaced repetition? The best way is to study with flashcards! You can use physical handwritten flashcards or study tools like Voovo which comes with a built-in spaced repetition algorithm to help optimize the study session to YOU. 📚

Study regularly in shorter boosts
Burnout is a common problem amongst students and happens when you try to study too much information in a too short amount of time... a situation you can often find yourself in when you're cramming for an exam. This feeling of overwhelm can result in your studying being counterproductive.
Spaced repetition study methods distribute learning material across multiple sessions, easing your brain's burden. It allows your brain the necessary time to process and memorize information without becoming overwhelmed. Consequently, it helps prevent burnout, keeping you mentally alert! 💪 An effective method for spaced repetition learning is through flashcards, and Voovo offers a digital flashcard platform with numerous features designed specifically for you. 🚀
Give your brain rest and power
After every half hour or 1 hour of focused studying, take a 5-15 minute study break. During this time, you can browse through your phone, take a short walk around the home, do some stretching, or simply lie on the bed (but don't fall asleep!—just remember to set an alarm if you do). Our brain and body require rest to recharge and also fully process all that we learned. These breaks are crucial for processing the information you've learned and for developing both short and long-term memory.
Study with many techniques and in many locations!
A common problem during study sessions is boredom and burnout. Switching between different study techniques and places help keep your brain engaged and prevents you from having monotonous study sessions that don’t help you memorize information at all.
Different study methods activate different parts of your brain. Visual aids like diagrams and pictures activate your occipital cortex and help with spacial memory, while studying with flashcards activate the whole neural pathway by forcing you to recall the information, and reading textbooks help you form new neural connections for the first time. 🚀
Tools and Apps to Improve your Memory
There are many tools and apps out there created with the aim of helping students like you excel in your studies!
Apps such as Voovo use spaced repetition and individually tailored algorithms to customize study sessions according to your individual requirements, concentrating on areas that you're less familiar with and reducing time spent on topics you've already mastered. This allows for you to optimize your time while studying.
Voovo’s Mission: Making Memory Improvement Fun for Students!
Voovo was created by a medical student who found memorization challenging due to the vast amount of information required for studying medicine -- especially anatomy. But instead of feeling discouraged, he was motivated by this struggle and set out on a mission to make studying huge amounts of information as effortless, straightforward, and enjoyable as possible. This is why he created Voovo app which comes with diagram flashcards, voice cards (for when you're too lazy to type), AI generated automatic cards from any text you scan/type, drag and drop, and so much more!
How you can harness the power of spaced repetition with Voovo
At Voovo, we believe that studying should be easy, efficient and enjoyable. Our goal is to make your study sessions more effective and less stressful, so that you can create a healthy balance between your academic and personal life. 💪
Are you ready to transform your learning experience? Download the Voovo app for free from the App Store orGoogle Play!